People say I'm a dreamer...I call it a defense mechanism against life.

Friday, July 17, 2009

"Humans are overrated" said the Girl. "Actually they're not half bad" thought the Cat.


Lyrae Defiin said...

Aw, cute picture. Love your blog, by the way.

Nothing Profound said...

Your blog is so charming. I love the combination of sayings and pictures-that's my favorite medium. Is this quote original? It goes so perfectly with the picture.

By the way I always enjoy your comments during discussions. They reveal an individual who has her own unique way of looking at things.

Stella said...

Its an old habit of mine, I take pictures or drawings which I find interesting and then I come up with a little saying to go with it. I used to cut out stuff from magazines and paste it in a notebook but now I've started doing it on my blog. Glad you liked it.

Stella said...

Come to think of it sometimes I come up with the text first and then I find a pic to go with it :)